Okay, I admit, this was done earlier this week as part of my "Sketchbook Project" sketches. I'm just getting 'round to showing it to you today. Again the image comes from the plethora of photo reference I shot last year (and am always shooting) with my Canon G10 and/or Nikon CoolPix. Nice example of a background technique used on this, that I picked up recently from a drawing podcast. When you want to give a little action and dimension to a simple, single image subject, then put a reverse gradation background behind it. Since the light is from the top right on the subject, I darkened that portion of the background and got lighter going diagonally to the left. Real nice.
My goal for the weekend is to start cutting down pieces of a canvas pad I have to the size of the sketchbook. Then in a few weeks I'd like to start doing some quick sketches in oil paint and paste them into the book when they dry.
Oh yeah, I'm on Twitter now too. See my posts over there?
See how it goes.