August 10, 2011

Small Still Lifes - Part 2 and Batman in Pittsburgh

The main reason I decided to get into painting more still lifes is the amount of control I could have over my subjects during the concept stage.

"Oranges, Lemons, Pear" 5x7 oil on canvas - collection of Ms. Cherina Pelissier.

I almost have as much fun setting up a still life and lighting it as I do executing the actual painting.

The added bonus of course is that using perishable subjects means I work a lot from photos, and that gives me a chance to use and remember the full functionality of a couple of nice digital cameras I own.

Speaking of digital photos, here are a few quick shots I took in the city of Pittsburgh this morning, which doubles as Hollywood - I mean "Gotham" city - these days for the filming of the movie “Batman-The Dark Night Returns” or rises, or whatever it’s called.:

In these shots, Oliver Avenue from the corner of Wood Street has been turned into a winter wonderland in August through the magic of Hollywood (and a huge snow machine).