Years back I did a traditional oil painting of the Beatles for a society of illustrators exhibit. Now I can’t stand looking at it because I feel I can do better job of it these days. So I've decided to do a new, and totally different composition for this event.
This new piece will be a fun and loose montage in the style of my Gettysburg 150th Anniversary montage from 2013. This allows me to free myself up of tight rendering in oil paint, and play with mixing traditional media (oil, pencil, acrylic) with digital media (Photoshop). So right now I'm just having fun creating the pieces and parts, while keeping a vision in my mind of what a finished montage will look like.
As I get bits and pieces created and digitized for the design of my new montage I'll show them here. Below is the first couple of those:
Loose oil wash for use in John Lennon's face. Looks just like him doesn't it?
Loose oil wash for use in Paul McCartney's face.
Speaking of Paul McCartney, I'll close today by sharing one of the shots I took of him earlier this month during his "Out There" concert tour stop at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh. The show was GREAT!
Mother Nature's Son