But why did he paint like he did? What made his work so different from other artists of the day? What are the details of his death? Why is he so popular in culture today?
We don't have to search for those answers ourselves because Andrew-Graham Dixon has done all the hard work for us and wrapped it all up between the covers of his fantastic book, "Caravaggio, A Life Sacred and Profane".
Andrew-Graham Dixon is a talented and entertaining author, documentarian, and art historian who researched Caravaggio's life and paintings for over ten years in order to create this book. I can only imagine what meticulous effort and passion it takes to do that much digging, translating, reading and investigation of a subject. His work paid off beautifully, because in that span of time he was able to uncover facts about Caravaggio from various Italian archives that shed new light on the painters life which for me, makes his book the one to read if you love Caravaggio.
Read the book to learn what rival artist work
St. Paul's horse’s bottom is deliberately pointing to.
Among the sorted details revealed in the book are translations of various police reports from the altercations that Caravaggio was involved in, as well as the very probable and plausible events of his last days.
Of course Andrew-Graham Dixon explains all of Caravaggio's paintings and helps us see things we normally would not see, but his book also puts into context Caravaggio's life and work so well, we can all have that much more appreciation of them. How lucky we all are!
Buy the book here: http://amzn.to/1t4T0xW
Click Here for a great post from Retrograde Canvas on Caravaggio's influence on films.